Because open communities are good communities. :3
Profile: Piazanny
- Sex:Male
- Level: 146
- Vocation: Elder Druid
- Last Login: 29 March 2014 (06:15)
- Status: OFFLINE
- Created: 20 March 2014 (00:41)
- Comment:
Death List:
22 March 2014 (05:41): Killed at level 94 by Jay Ce (unjustified)
and by Sir Paly. (unjustified)
21 March 2014 (03:01): Killed at level 92 by Piazanny
and by Sanitariusz Mariusz. (unjustified)
20 March 2014 (02:46): Killed at level 90 by Dragon Lord (soloed)
- Address: