Because open communities are good communities. :3
Profile: Sir Porro
- Sex:Male
- Level: 97
- Vocation: Druid
- the Leader of Red Line
- Last Login: 28 March 2014 (06:57)
- Status: OFFLINE
- Created: 19 March 2014 (09:12)
- Comment:
Death List:
28 March 2014 (06:52): Killed at level 97 by Blackskull (soloed)
28 March 2014 (06:28): Killed at level 99 by Allyshow Teensina (soloed)
24 March 2014 (04:58): Killed at level 98 by Stampor (soloed)
22 March 2014 (08:20): Killed at level 91 by Lizard High Guard (soloed)
22 March 2014 (07:46): Killed at level 88 by Plaguesmith
and by Hellspawn.
Other visible characters on this account:
Last login:
Euri Evanto | 8 | Knight | 28 March 2014 (03:11) | offline |
Aventi | 8 | Paladin | 28 March 2014 (03:11) | offline |
- Address: Porro