Because open communities are good communities. :3
Profile: Master Mysterio
- Sex:Male
- Level: 162
- Vocation: Master Sorcerer
- a Member of Awesome Pvp
- Last Login: 25 March 2014 (16:41)
- Status: OFFLINE
- Created: 18 March 2014 (19:58)
- Comment:
Death List:
25 March 2014 (16:41): Killed at level 163 by Orshabalbro
and by Blackskull.
21 March 2014 (21:20): Killed at level 161 by Pacyfaa
and by Figir.
21 March 2014 (20:51): Killed at level 162 by Awesome Ryudo (soloed)
21 March 2014 (17:52): Killed at level 163 by Sight of Surrender (soloed)
21 March 2014 (05:29): Killed at level 155 by Dragon Lord
and by Dragon Lord Hatchling.
- Address: Mysterio