Profile: Flakiis

  • Sex:Female
  • Level: 130
  • Vocation: Royal Paladin
  • Last Login: 29 March 2014 (18:35)
  • Status: OFFLINE
  • Created: 22 March 2014 (04:03)
  • Comment:
  • Death List:
  • 27 March 2014 (08:39): Killed at level 126 by Opille
    and by Bulletproof.
  • 27 March 2014 (08:23): Killed at level 126 by Opille
    and by Bulletproof.
  • 27 March 2014 (07:23): Killed at level 127 by Azerus
    and by Rift Scythe.
  • 25 March 2014 (08:47): Killed at level 93 by Dragon Lord Hatchling (soloed)
  • 25 March 2014 (05:24): Killed at level 73 by Dragon Lord (soloed)
  • Address: