Profile: Coca Heroz

  • Sex:Male
  • Level: 113
  • Vocation: Royal Paladin
  • Last Login: 20 March 2014 (23:21)
  • Status: OFFLINE
  • Created: 20 March 2014 (16:26)
  • Comment:
  • Death List:
  • 20 March 2014 (22:49): Killed at level 114 by field item (soloed)
  • 20 March 2014 (22:49): Killed at level 115 by Vimpegarred (soloed)
  • 20 March 2014 (22:48): Killed at level 115 by Goral Dave
    and by Vimpegarred.
  • 20 March 2014 (22:47): Killed at level 116 by Pilot Orbisu (soloed)
  • 20 March 2014 (22:47): Killed at level 116 by Vimpegarred
    and by Pilot Orbisu.
  • Other visible characters on this account:
    Name: Level: Vocation: Last login: Status:
    Coca Heros33Master Sorcerer20 March 2014 (22:22)offline
  • Address: Heroz